Fox Covert Primary School: Edinburgh primary confirms 16 cases of Covid as the city’s case numbers continue to rise

The head teacher Lorraine Budge posted a statement on the school’s website saying that while she understands it is a worrying time, she wants to reassure everyone that the school is working closely with the NHS Lothian Health Protection Team while following all national guidelines.

The school will remain open while this outbreak is handled.

The statement said: “Persons are currently being contacted because they may have been in close and sustained contact with the case and will need to self-isolate and asked to have a test for Covid-19. They will be given appropriate guidance and advice.

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“An update email will be sent to you [parents and guardians] as soon as the tracking and tracing process is complete. If there are any further cases of Covid-19 in the school, we will ensure these individuals, and any of their close contacts, are advised to self-isolate promptly.

“If you have not been contacted and your child remains well, you should continue to follow the school’s existing arrangements for your child.”

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The news comes after 14 cases were confirmed on Monday, following 11 confirmed cases on Sunday.

Fox Covert Primary School on Clerwood Terrace, Edinburgh, has confirmed that 16 people have tested positive for Covid-19.

The City of Edinburgh has seen a rise in cases recently, recording 875 cases in total over the last seven days, which was a rate of 166.7 cases per 100,000 people.

Corstorphine in Edinburgh recorded just three cases between May 29 and June 4, while Corstorphine North recorded 10.

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